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ThetaHealing® Practitioner Seminar

Intuitive Anatomy


The Intuitive Anatomy seminar is an in-depth journey of discovery that takes students through the Body Intuitive, allowing them to intimately and intuitively meet the body’s organs and systems.

Students will learn how to detect emotions and beliefs that are inherent in the body. Methods of releasing and healing from accumulated emotions will be taught. Students will also have the opportunity to explore how beliefs are held in each bodily system and what their relationship is with physical “dis-ease”. There will be ample time for self-healing and healing with partners or in small groups. This seminar is for serious ThetaHealing® Practitioners who desire to become highly skilled at scanning and healing within the physical body using the ThetaHealing® technique.


  • Bonus #1 - Each student will receive a private 1:1 session with Beatriz for the purpose of clearing and releasing the students emotions and beliefs in their own body. This 1 hour session will allow students to let go of blocks that may be preventing them from working with the Intuitive Anatomy method.

  • Bonus #2 - Each student will gain access to 4 group mentoring sessions after the completion of the Intuitive Anatomy seminar. The purpose of these group sessions will be to practice the Intuitive Anatomy method and sharpen skills.

  • Bonus #3 - Each student will receive two 30 minute consultations with Beatriz as they begin using the Intuitive Anatomy method with their own clients. The purpose of the consultations is so Beatriz can provide additional support in the form of offering guidance, answering questions, doing her own remote scan of the student’s client, etc.

You Will Learn:

  • The magic of the human body

  • Why disease and disorders go hand in hand with emotions and beliefs

  • How emotions can signal that the body is out of balance

  • New emotional Programs and Beliefs that are attached to every body system

  • How much space is taken up by negative emotions

  • To recognize the specific Beliefs that come with diseases

  • To practice seeing into the body with body scans while honoring the client’s free agency


When you are certified as a ThetaHealing® Practitioner, you can use this technique professionally and charge for your services. If you’re already a healer, you can add more knowledge to your existing tool kit.

Seminar Includes:

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ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy Manual


All certification seminars are taught by Beatriz Blanco, Certitfied ThetaHealing® Practitioner and Instructor and Intuitive Healer. Monica Blanco, a Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner, will be assisting each class.


Taught in English or Spanish


This seminar will be taught Online


3 weeks (15 days)



Payment Plans are available. For more information, click here.


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